What’s New At The New Moniker

Find out what’s different at the New Moniker vs. the the Old Moniker. Discover new features, options you can start using right away.

Powerfully Intuitive Domain Controls Powerfully Intuitive Domain Controls Mobile
Intuitive Dashboard
Intuitive Dashboard

Mobile responsive website and dashboard. You don’t need an additional app for it!

Better security.
Better security.

Keep your domain portfolio secure with YubiKey Two Factor Authentication

Improved Domain Search

  • AI generated domain suggestions
  • Powerful domain search with exhaustive filters to help you find hidden gems

New Products and Features

  • Daily drop. Snap expiring domains
  • Bulk management tools tailored to domain investors
  • Free external Renewal tracker (track domains outside of Moniker too)
  • More discounts and promotions
  • Faster feedback loop for new feature requests

Plus All The Best Bits Of The Moniker You Are Used To

  • Brand name and legacy, trust
  • The same team and management you are used to
  • ICANN Accredited
  • Phone and email support
  • Volume based discounts
  • Special transfer-in pricing
  • Free Whois privacy
  • Free domain and email forwarding
  • Free DNS management
  • 1,000+ tlds
  • Webhosting, Email, SSL
  • Excellent support

And more in the works.

What’s Still Coming?

Sedo MLS & Afternic Fast Transfer

Sedo MLS & Afternic Fast Transfer

Simple Signup

Simple signup: single sign on using your Google, Github or Social accounts

Chat Support

Chat Support

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