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Domains New Features Security
28 May 2024 2 min read

Meet the Treasury: Our Domain Vault

Michelle N

Product Marketing Manager
Domain Treasury at Moniker

We are excited to announce our latest feature release: The Treasury.

The Treasury is your digital vault (like the one you have at your bank) keeping your most valuable domains secure and safe with an added two-factor  authentication. This way, your assets are safe and sound. Nothing can change without your permission and ultimately, your authentication.  You can use any of the popular 2FA methods like Authy, 1Password or Google Authenticator but we would recommend using a Hardware Key like the Yubikey.

But what type of domains should you add to the Treasury? Well, that is up to you. Feel free to add your high-value domains, or your personal or brand domains. It’s for the domains that matter the most to you. As a Domain Investor, we leave the choice to you, but allow you the option to double your security with two-factor authentication (2FA).

Free & Available to Everyone

The Treasury is ready to use as part of your Moniker account and available to everyone. There is no set-up required, and it is completely free of charge, which means no extra cost for this additional security. All Moniker members can simply add their domains directly into The Treasury and we will be here to support and keep your domains safe. Our team of experts is always on hand to help advise at any moment.  

Adding & Identifying Domains in The Treasury

Safeguarding your domains is the objective of the Treasury, allowing you extra protection against domain theft and hacking. The Treasury can be easily found under My Domains. And you can easily tell when one of your domains is in your Treasury, because of the crown 👑 next to their name. We also allow bulk operations for the Treasury. You will see a notification that will confirm if you want two-factor authentication on your domains.

The Treasury prohibits transfers from a security perspective. So when it comes to transferring domains, you will need to remove the domains from the Treasury before you initiate a transfer.  

All in all, we’ve built the Treasury to protect your domains and create a stronger security around your work and assets. To discover more, click here and discover The Treasury in action on Moniker. And if you have any questions, check out our FAQ section on the topic.