Domain Name Parking

If you have undeveloped domains that receive direct navigation (type-in) traffic, we can help you earn pay-per-click revenue with no out-of-pocket costs. The domain parking provider ParkingCrew offers pioneering domain parking technology that displays highly relevant keyword and PPC ad choices to your direct navigation visitors.

Domain Monetization

Increase your Revenue by Monetizing Traffic on Undeveloped Domains

Make money with your domain names! Many undeveloped domains receive traffic from users who type those domain names directly into their browser address bar. If you own domains with this type of organic direct navigation traffic, you can be earning maximum PPC revenue on those domains using ParkingCrew.

  • High payouts for your valuable domain names
  • Best reporting of statistics and intuitive account management tools
  • Geo and keyword targeted PPC ads displayed on parked pages
  • Large selection of award winning templates viewable on all browsers and mobile devices
  • Support of all major languages on ParkingCrew landing pages
  • Flexible sales team available round the clock to help you

Discover the benefits of parking your domains with ParkingCrew!